Indoor Falls Among Seniors – Impact and Prevention

Seniors tend to fall often due to the declining physical ability and unsteady gait which is a development of advancing age. These falls occur either at home or outdoors. There are differences in the consequences and circumstances of these falls. It is important to understand these differences for fall prevention in elderly. The focus of this article is on the indoor falls among seniors.
In a study of 765 elders in the U.S., 598 falls occurred indoors as compared to 524 outdoor falls, over a period of two years. This article was published in the journal of American Geriatrics Society, bringing out the difference between indoor and outdoor falls. The following distinctions surfaced:
  • Seniors who fell indoors had an inactive lifestyle in comparison to the seniors who fell outdoors.
  • Indoor falls also resulted due to the higher level of physical disability of seniors as opposed to outdoor falls. Seniors who fell outdoors were in a better health condition.
  • Seniors who fell outdoors were younger than the seniors who fell indoors.
Senior falls – The impact
As illustrated in the study, falls have become an increasing safety concern indoors, at home, the supposed safety net of seniors. It is even more risky when loved ones of the senior are not around. Getting back to normalcy post a fall is not easy. Falls can result in mild injuries to serious fractures, making the elderly confined to their beds for good. Another serious and grave impact of indoor falls on seniors is the Fear Of Falls. Fear Of Falls is an actual phobia among seniors who have experienced a all. This fear diminishes the motivation of seniors to be independent and move around. They are subjected to fear of falling even if there is no risk, since they have experienced the aftermath of a fall once. Thus, summing up the impact of indoor falls on seniors we list the following;
  1. Mild to severe injuries including fractures that may long term treatment and confinement to bed.
  2. Fear Of Falls and a dip in the morale of seniors to move round independently.
  3. A sense of lowered safety and security in seniors as a result of the fall.
  4. Rise in the dependence of seniors on a caregiver or locomotion support due to injury.
  5. An indirect result of fall includes the financial resources used up to set right the aftermath of a fall.
Senior fall prevention
Indoor falls cannot be prevented by a single measure on its own. A collective approach is needed to address the multiple causes of falls to bring down the incidence of falls in seniors. The various elements to be considered to secure the safety of our elders are as mentioned below:
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet is essential for seniors to maintain the existing physical ability required for moving around safely. It is important to monitor these vitals regularly; Calcium and Vitamin D3. Pack fibrous meals with adequate proteins.
  • Medication: Consult with your elderly parents’ doctor to know the side-effects of the medication. See if it has any impact on seniors’ balance and movement or dizziness. If that is the case always be with the senior or ensure that a caregiver pays attention to the senior’s activities.
  • Design For aging: Home safety design for seniors are in the trend now. Home safety includes small refinements that can reduce falls and injuries as much as possible. This includes flooring, lighting, navigational, storage and aesthetic aspects.
  • Walking aids: Facilitate seniors by providing them with walking aids like walkers, rollers or canes. Let them get accustomed to these aids for physical and psychological support.


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