Importance of Adequate Lighting at Home for Seniors
Senior safety encompasses a lot of aspects. One of them is sufficient lighting in house plans. With advancement in age, when the chances of vision impairment are high , lighting plays an important role. Seniors are already subjected to deterioration in vision up to some extent. Arrangements at home must be made to enable navigation and vision.
When we talk about lighting it is not just the number of lights or the power wattage. The placement of lights also need to be considered. Space planning, facilities at home that can accommodate The different aspects of lighting can be listed as follows:
Strength of lighting – It may be misleading to say that good lights facilitate vision. Unnecesarily placerd strong lights can further damage seniors’ vision or obstruct view. Strong glares may affect the delicate eyes of elders.
Natural lighting inside homes is another major consideration. Natural light not only helps elders see, but also takes away the feeling of confinement.
Placement of different types of lighting – Just one type of lighting may not suffice. Different types of lighting like bath bar lighting, compact downlights, etc. With proper colour rendering index (CRI) is required for optimum lighting solutions.
Placement of different types of lighting – Just one type of lighting may not suffice. Different types of lighting like bath bar lighting, compact downlights, etc. With proper colour rendering index (CRI) is required for optimum lighting solutions.
Night lights or guiding reflector strips – Navigation at nights for seniors is very important. Lighting that guide them to the restroom and back have to be put in place as precautionary measures. Motion sensor lights can also be used for this purpose.
Housing designs include lighting and other aspects of the house. But a senior-friendly house plan needs special effect. Lifestyle of elders and their movement inside the and outside their home determines the need and positioning of lighting. Why must one take so much of effort for lighting? Let’s discuss the importance of lighting here.
- Balance and stability decrease with age. Senior safety is naturally at jeopardy. Poor vision and unsteady gait are a deadly combination. In such a case, lack of lighting becomes fatal.
- Low lighting may lead to slips or trips resulting in major falls. Falls are the most common threats elders face.
- Independent seniors who wish to take care of their daily activities require a proper lighting system in living spaces, kitchens and yards and gardens.
- The Lights add to the mood and emotions of seniors. Dull or dim lighting can bring down morale and confidence of seniors. Strong lights may not help seniors see better. Striking a balance is important.
- Elders with memory concerns can be supported with different colours of lights to help differentiate rooms or area of the house. These can boost memory signages at home, aiding seniors in being independent at least for basic self-care.
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